Osteopathy during & after pregnancy

Osteopathic treatment during and after pregnancy involves the treatment of the mother in order to alleviate her symptoms and encourage the best possible environment for the development of the baby. In addition, osteopathic treatment of the pelvis can facilitate an increased chance for an uncomplicated delivery. Some examples of conditions that osteopathy can help with during the complicated and exciting time of pregnancy and motherhood are as follows.


During pregnancy:

  • back pain: in pregnancy, post delivery, post epidural
  • discomfort during pregnancy: nausea, heart burn, breathing difficulties, fluid retention, varicose veins, leg and hip pain,
  • pelvic discomfort, sciatica
  • preparation of the body for labour


After pregnancy:

  • post-labour rebalancing of the mother
  • post-caesarean scarring
  • post-delivery trauma to the pelvis
  • post-delivery problems: stress incontinence, headaches, neck/shoulder pain from feeding and lifting, post natal depression
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